Legal notice

Kulturpool is a non-profit, educational, artistic and scientific search portal and service centre for the transfer of knowledge and skills for the digitally available cultural heritage of Austrian collections.

You can reach the Kulturpool team at

Concept and implementation

Natural History Museum Vienna
Burgring 7
1010 Vienna
Legal form: Scientific institution under public law
Commercial register number: FN 236724 z
Commercial Court: Handelsgericht Wien 
VAT ID: ATU38020609


Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport,
Section IV – Arts and Culture Department IV/1 – Awards, Special Projects, Event Management, Digitalization, Media Affairs, Protocol
Concordiaplatz 2
1010 Vienna

Legal information

Despite the greatest care taken in the preparation of this website, the NHM Vienna cannot guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the information contained therein. Please also note § 17 ECG (E-Commerce Act). The NHM Vienna excludes any liability for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of the website.