Can I use the digital objects?

Use the search to find interesting images and objects in Kulturpool. You can download many of the digital objects from the institution in question and use them for your creative ideas. However, you must observe the usage rights for the digital objects: Not all images and objects may be used. The filters and metadata can help you search for objects that you are allowed to use.

Which digital objects am I allowed to use?

There are many different licences and copyright regulations. It is not always easy to know for sure how you can use the digital objects.

Kulturpool displays the usage rights and rights holders for the individual digital objects in the metadata, instantly clarifying whether and in what form an image or other digital object may be used.

You can narrow your results in the search according to specific usage rights. This enables you to see right away which digital object you are allowed to use.

How can I filter by usage rights?

The filter “Can I use it?” can be easily applied to filter digital objects according to their usage rights. There are three options:

  • Yes
    You can use these digital objects in any way you wish. They are either labelled with the Public Domain Mark or CC0 and may be edited, shared and used commercially.
  • Yes, with conditions
    Before using these digital objects, you must carefully check the information provided on usage rights, which will tell you if and in what form you can edit, share or commercially use images and other digital objects.
  • Maybe, with permission
    Digital objects displayed when applying this filter are protected from further use (keyword: Inc/In Copyright). Use of these digital objects is nevertheless possible in certain cases; please contact the providing partner institution directly, which you can reach via the link “See original”. Even if further use is not permitted, digital objects in this category are very useful for viewing and research.

Can I use digital objects for personal purposes?

In Austria, the use of digital objects for purely personal purposes is generally permitted. For example, you can use them as a background on your personal laptop or print out your favourite image. But it is especially important to learn about and understand the licences and usage rights before making the image or an edited version of it available to others. When in doubt, it is better to refrain from using the image.